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District Heating and Cooling

Further publications

The Research / IEA DHC Annexes / 2017-2021 / Annex TS3 / Further publications

 Documentation of the resource exergy analysis (REA)

  • Jentsch, A., 2023. REA: resource exergy analysis - Calculation guide for energy systems, including district heating and cooling; www.agfw.de/rea/en

Journal Publications related to the IEA DHC Annex TS3

Online-Workshop: Hybride Energienetze, Fernwärme im integrierten Energiesystem (German), 20.October 2022, Invitation and agenda

  • Aktuelle Aktivitäten der Wien Energie im Bereich Wärmepumpen-Integration und Power-to-heat (Rusbeh Rezania, Wien Energie)

  • Szenarien und Randbedingungen der KWK und zur Integration von Wärmepumpen in Fernwärmenetzen in Österreich und international (Lukas Kranzl, TU Wien/EEG)

  • Zukünftige Synergiepotenziale von Power-to-Gas und Fernwärmenetzen (Hans Böhm, EI Linz)

  • Abwärme aus Elektrolyseprozessen und Potential für die Fernwärme-Versorgung, Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt MEMPHIS2.0 (Stefan Reuter, AIT)

  • Elemente und Lösungen zur Flexibilisierung von Wärmenetzen – Ergebnisse aus dem Leitprojekt ThermaFLEX (Joachim Kelz, AEE)

  • Tools für die Simulation von Hybridnetzen (Edmund Widl, AIT)

  • Netzdienliche Nutzung von Bauteilaktivierung in Gebäuden durch vorausschauende Regelungen – Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt ÖKO-OPT-AKTIV (Valentin Kaisermayer, BEST - Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH)

  • Geschäftsmodelle für flexible Wärmenetze im hybriden Energiesystem, Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt Flexi-Sync (Carolin Monsberger, AIT)

DOWNLOAD: Proceedings (all presentations)

ISEC 2022, the 2nd International Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems, Graz, Austria, April 5-7 2022, conference website

DOWNLOAD: An overview poster

Webinar on “Digitalization for optimizing integrated district heating systems”, a shared webinar with the IEA DHC Annex TS4, 3rd November 2021

  • Block I – policy framework and the big picture of digitalisation of energy infrastructures

  • National R&D perspectives for the digitalisation of the energy sector (Carsten Magaß, Project Management Juelich)

  • The role of digitalisation for future energy systems (Kathleen Gaffney, IEA Paris)

  • The European framework (Alessandro Provaggi, DHC+/ Euroheat and Power)

  • Block II – Digitalization of district heating systems

  • Introduction into the IEA DHC Annex TS4 project (Dietrich Schmidt, Fraunhofer IEE)

  • The era net call on digitalization (Michael Hübner, Austrian ministry BMK)

  • The utility perspective on digitalisation of district heating (Bernd Rüger & Karina Nold, Stadtwerke München)

  • Digitalisation solutions for heat infrastructures (Martin Brüssau, SAMSON)

  • Business opportunities from digitalisation (Steen Schelle Jensen, KAMSTRUP)

  • Block III – Hybrid energy systems

  • Introduction into the IEA DHC Annex TS3 project (Ralf-Roman Schmidt, AIT)

  • Technologies for Hybridisation (Oddgeir Gudmundsson, Danfoss)

  • GIS-based automated design of DH networks (Joseph Jebamalai, Comsof)

  • Sector coupling between hydrogen and district heating (Hans Böhm, EI Linz)

DOWNLOAD: Proceedings (all presentations)


the recording of Block I (policy framework) on youtube


the recording of Block II (digitalization) on youtube


the recording of Block III (hybid energy networks) on youtube

7th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark; 21-22 September 2021, conference website

  • Ralf-Roman Schmidt (AIT): Overview of the results of the international cooperation project IEA DHC Annex TS3
  • Peter Sorknæs (AAU): Energy system synergies of hybrid energy network technologies
  • Edmund Widl (AIT): Categorization of tools and methods for modeling and simulating
  • hybrid energy systems
  • Dennis Cronbach (Fraunhofer IEE), Inger-Lise Svensson (RISE): On business models and the regulatory framework of hybrid grids
DOWNLOAD: all presentations of the session

17th Symposium of DHC, Nottingham, 7th - 8th of September 2021, conference website

  • Svensson, Inger-Lisa (RISE): Drivers and barriers for prosumer integration in the Swedish district heating sector
  • Anna Kallert (Fraunhofer): A Multivalent Supply Concept: 4th Generation District Heating in Moosburg an der Isar
  • Sorknes, Peter (AAU): Hybrid energy networks and electrification of district heating under different energy system conditions
  • Svensson, Inger-Lisa (RISE): How are business models capturing flexibility in the district energy (DE) grid
  • Schmidt, Ralf-Roman (AIT): Analyses of strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of hybrid energy networks
DOWNLOAD: all presentations of the session

TS3 Webinar on "Hybrid Energy Networks", 27th April 2021, Invitation and agenda

  • Block I –   Integrated district heating and cooling networks: introduction and best practices

  • DHC as local sector integration hubs – EU policy perspectives (Eva Hoss, European Commission/ Renewables and Energy System Integration Policy)

  • Trends and opportunities in district energy (Chiara Delmastro, IEA)

  • IKB-Smart-City-Lab – A prototype for hybrid energy provision (Reinhard Fohringer, IKB Innsbruck (Austria))

  • Sector integration and the role of DHC from a TSO point of view (Gregor Goričar ELES, d.o.o (the Slovenian TSO))

  • Overview on best practises examples for DHC and sector integration (Anna Kallert, Fraunhofer IEE)

  • 2050 Homes, a hybrid energy network in Nottingham (Anton Ianakiev NTU, UK)

  • Block II –  Barriers, trends and solutions for the creation of an integrated energy market

  • EU legal framework for energy communities (Achille Hannoset, European Commission/ Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition)

  • Local markets for energy and flexibility exchange (Wenche Tobiasson, RISE)

  • Sector coupling: Overcoming regulatory obstacles with coupled systems (Michael Kalis, IKEM)

  • Overview on different business models and the regulatory framework for hybrid energy networks (Dennis Cronbach, Fraunhofer IEE/ Inger-Lise Svensson, RISE)

  • Block III –  country-based constraints and synergies on a national level

  • Overview of concepts and technologies for hybrid energy networks (Peter Sorknæs, Aalborg University)

  • Block IV – handling the complexity: Advanced tools and methods for planning and operation of hybrid energy networks

  • Preliminary survey results: classification of tools and methods for modelling and simulating hybrid energy networks (Edmund Widl, AIT)

  • EnergyPLAN: analysing the energy, environmental, and economic impact of hybrid energy systems (Peter Sorknæs, Aalborg University)

  • EnergyPRO: combined technical and financial analysis of hybrid energy systems (Leif Holm Tambjerg, EMD International)

  • Pandaplan: quasi-dynamic assessment of hybrid energy network design and operation (Dennis Cronbach, Fraunhofer IEE)

  • Fumola & DisHeatLib: co-simulation-based analysis of the dynamics of hybrid energy network operation (Benedikt Leitner, AIT)



Block I (introduction and best practices)


Block II (an integrated energy market)


Block III (country-based constraints and synergies)


Block IV (tools and methods)

Webinar on “Digitalization for optimizing integrated district heating systems”, a shared webinar with the IEA DHC Annex TS4, 9th September 2020, Invitation and agenda

  • Block I – policy framework and the big picture of digitalisation of energy infrastructures

  • National R&D perspectives for the digitalisation of the energy sector (Carsten Magaß, Project Management Juelich)

  • The role of digitalisation for future energy systems (Kathleen Gaffney, IEA Paris)

  • The European framework (Alessandro Provaggi, DHC+/ Euroheat and Power)

  • Interactive session and Q&A to all presenters

  • Block II – Digitalization of district heating systems

  • The era net call on digitalization (Michael Hübner, Austrian ministry BMK)

  • The utility perspective on digitalisation of district heating (Bernd Rüger & Karina Nold, Stadtwerke München)

  • Digitalisation solutions for heat infrastructures (Martin Brüssau, SAMSON)

  • Business opportunities from digitalisation (Steen Schelle Jensen, KAMSTRUP)

  • Interactive session and Q&A to all presenters

  • Block III – Hybrid energy systems

  • Technologies for Hybridisation (Oddgeir Gudmundsson, Danfoss)

  • GIS-based automated design of DH networks (Joseph Jebamalai, Comsof)

  • Sector coupling between hydrogen and district heating (Hans Böhm, EI Linz)



Block I (the policy framework)


Block II (digitalization)


Block III (Hybrid energy systems)


The recording of Block I on youtube


The recording of Block III on youtube

Webinar on “Hybrid Energy Networks” -Austria Goes International, 23rd April 2020, Invitation and agenda

  • Transformation towards the 4. and 5. generation district heating, tends and examples (Christian Doczekal, Güssing Energy Technologies GmbH)

  • Challenges for hybrid energy networks and e.on solutions (Boris Kleemann, E.ON)

  • ThermaFLEX: Experiences from an Austrian flagship project on flexible district heating systems (Ingo Leusbrock, AEE Intec)

  • Assessment of integrated multi-carrier distribution networks (Edmund Widl AIT)

  • EnRSim: a simple tool for designing and assessing renewable production strategies (Nicolas Vasset, CEA)

  • A modular energy management system for the optimal operation of cross-sectoral energy systems (Daniel Muschick, BEST)

  • Innovative Cogeneration and Trigeneration concepts using LiBr absorption machines for heating and cooling (Harald Blazek, Stepsahead)

  • Heating and cooling strategies and 2050 scenarios for Austria, results of the Heat Roadmap Europe project (Peter Sorknæs, Aalborg University)

  • Decarbonising the austrian space heating sector: a transition scenario for 2050 (Lukas Kranzl, TU Wien)

  • An analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of DHC networks within an integrated energy system (Ralf-Roman Schmidt, AIT)

DOWNLOAD: all presentations


The recording on youtube

4th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg (Denmark), 13-14 November 2018, conference website

DOWNLOAD: An overview presentation

8th International Conference on the Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources in Vienna, Austria October 16-19, 2018, conference website

DOWNLOAD: An overview poster