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District Heating and Cooling

2024-2028 / Annex TS9

The Research / IEA DHC Annexes / 2024-2028 / Annex TS9

Annex TS9: Digitalisation of District Heating and Cooling

Improving Efficiency and Performance Through Data Integration



The objective of the IEA Annex TS9 is to promote new opportunities to integrate digital processes and improve the efficiency, economics, and ecological performance of district heating and cooling (DHC) networks by implementing a robust digital infrastructure. This includes data and signals from sensors in the different domains of the DHC systems with real demonstration processes. The focus will be on evaluating proper standards for data integration and helping remove barriers or silos that may be limiting the full potential of communication among different domains and agents in the future developments of DHC technology. The project may result in a more comprehensive understanding of the 4GDH system as a whole and enable more informed decision-making to optimize its performance and use of data. It takes the entire energy chain, from production/generation via distribution to end-users (secondary side systems), into account and will address the issues for both mature and emerging DHC markets. The IEA Annex TS9 is a task-shared project. This indicates that no individual and separate investigation or development will be part or initiated within the Annex. It exclusively provides a framework for exchanging and disseminating the latest results, general knowledge, and technologies from international initiatives, activities, and projects of field experts and stakeholders in the DHC industry.

TS9 task managers

Please contact one of the TS9 task managers if you want to join the task-shared Annex or have any other questions concerning Annex TS9. Thank you.

Dr. Dietrich Schmidt
Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology IEE

Prof. Michele Tunzi
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) 