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District Heating and Cooling

External DHC Links

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English external DHC Links

In this section, links to external DHC publications and organizations are collected. The list is incomplete and we welcome any input, for what should be included here. Should you know a website or publication that would fit into this section or you find that a link on these pages is not working, please send an email with the link to the IEA DHC programme manager. Thank you.

Funding opportunities

DHC Events

Data on DHC

Libraries with DHC research

Publications of DHC research

Year of publicationNameTypeDescriptionSource
& Link
2024Euroheat & Power - DHC market outlook 2024ReportA comprehensive overview of the district heating and cooling sector in Europe and beyondLinkFree
2023REA: resource exergy analysis - Calculation guide for energy systems, including district heating and coolingGuidebookA detailed guideline for the application an advanced methodology for comparing energy systems that is more comprehensive than primary energy analysis and can thus help avoiding its pitfalls. Its application helps to minimize indirect emissions.LinkFree
2023Dynamically distributed district heating for an existing systemPaperA novel concept for district heating with decentralized seasonal storage.LinkFree

Oxford Energy Forum Issue 135:

Harnessing the decarbonization potential of district heating in Europe.

ArticleAn overview article on why DHC matters (page 41 ff.) - Co-authored with involvement from IEA DHCLinkFree
2022TEMPO -The Temperature Optimisation for Low-Temperature District Heating across EuropeArticles and reportsDevelopment of technical innovations that enable district heating networks to operate at lower temperatures.LinkFree
2022REWARDHeat - recovering renewable and waste heat, available at low temperatureArticles and reportsDemonstration of a new generation of low-temperature district heating and cooling networks that will be able to recover renewable and waste heat, available at low temperatureLinkFree
2022REWARDHeat Serious GameGameA web-based game which allows players to learn about the heating sector and how a transition to a more sustainable model of district heating might workLinkprice information available on request
2022ReUseHeat Handbook - Handbook for increased recovery of urban excess heatBookA handbook that is the product of the EU project ReUseHeatLinkFree
2022RES DHC - Renewable Energy for District Heating and Cooling - ToolboxToolboxOpen-Source Tools for District Heating and coolingLinkFree
2021Integrating renewable and
waste heat and cold sources
into district heating and cooling
Case study analysis and policy recommendationsBased on a holistic case studies analysis of 8 efficient district heating and cooling systems, the study identifies the key factors enabling to develop high quality, efficient and low-carbon DHC systems and discusses how these key success factors can be replicated.LinkFree
2020Heat Networks: Code of Practice for the UKGuidebookCode of Practice: Heat networks provides a very significant update to the 2015 version. The previous edition had been highly successful in establishing minimum standards to improve the quality of district heating projects from concept through to operation.Link£0 - £35.00
2020Heat pumps in District Heating Systems (IEA HPT - Annex 47)Research reportA collection of international research on heat pumps in district heating systemsLinkFree
2019Sustainable District Cooling SystemsTechnology ReviewA review of current and future district cooling (DC) technologies, operational, economic, and environmental aspects, and analysis and optimization methodologiesLinkFree
2019Large Scale Solar Heating Systems intgration (IEA SHC - Annex 55)Webinar recordingA presentation of results on large scale SHC systems integrationLinkFree
2018Energy Procedia: 16th International Symposium on District Heating and CoolingCollection of Scientific PapersAll papers presented at the 16th International Symposium of DHC are freely accessible in this peer-reviewed, open access publication by Elsevier. The symposium took place from 9 to12 September 2018 in Hamburg, Germany.LinkFree
2018Third-party access to district heating networksReportA report on the effects of third-party access to district heating networks for FinlandLinkFree
2017Long term (2050) projections of techno-economic performance of large-scale heating and cooling in the EUProjection and Data collectionA study on the costs of District Energy in EuropeLinkFree
(PDF can be downloaded by clicking on EN button)
2017District Heating Assessment Tool (DHAT)Calculation toolA tool performing economic feasibility studies for establishing district heating compared to individual heating, that  can be adjusted to local conditions.LinkFree
2017District Cooling Open Source Library (DCOL)DatabaseA model library meant to support the District Cooling (DC) systems’ designers.LinkFree
2017TransformTOScientific reportA report on how Toronto, Canada can transform until 2050. District energy plays a major role.LinkFree
2017International review of district heating and coolingScientific paper (Open Access)Prof. Sven Werner compiled the first review of international DHC.LinkFree
2016Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling 

published on ScienceDirect
Collection of single scientific papersThe 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling was the first of its kind under direct supervision of IEA DHC. The Proceedings is a collection of all the papers presented at that conference.LinkFree
2016Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on District Heating and CoolingCollection of scientific papersThe 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling was the first of its kind under direct supervision of IEA DHC. The Proceedings is a collection of all the papers presented at that conference.LinkFree
2016Nordic Energy Technology PerspectivesScenario analysisThe Nordic edition of the IEA's global Energy Technology Perspectives 2016, offering detailed scenario-based analysis of how the Nordic countries can achieve a near carbon-neutral energy system in 2050LinkFree
2015District Energy in CitiesGuidebookA comprehensive overview of District Heating and Cooling in Cities from UNEP.LinkFree
2014London Heat Network ManualGuidebookTechnical guidance for the development of DHC systems with focus on LondonLinkFree
2013District/Central Solar Hot Water Systems Design GuideInternational guidebookA guide to solar district heating systemsLink to store99 US$
2013District heating and coolingInternational textbookTangible and useful information about district heating and cooling - by Svend Fredericsen and Sven WernerAvailable in bookstores132 €
2013ASHRAE District heating and cooling guideGuidebookDesign guidance for all major aspects of district heating and cooling systemsAvailable in bookstores179 US$
2013Transition to sustainable buildingsStrategies and scenariosDemonstration on how to reach deep energy and emissions reduction through a combination of best available technologies and intelligent public policyLinkFree
2013 (added)DHC Country scorecardsReportsAnalysis of different national markets, policies and approaches to DHC.iea.orgFree
2012Community Energy: Planning, Development & DeliveryReportsGuide for Communities to enable district heating and coolingdistrictenergy.orgFree
2012Danfoss District heating application handbookHandbookA handbook on District heating from a leading manufacturer in DH componentsdanfoss.comFree
2012CHP & RenewablesReportCo-generation & Renewables – solutions for a low-carbon energy futureiea.orgFree
2012Nordic Energy Technology PerspectivesReportTechnology overviewnordicenergy.orgFree


NameFocusDescriptionSource & Link
Build UpEnergy Efficiency in BuildingsThe European Portal for Energy Efficiency in Buildings with a database of links to DHC organisations and topicsbuildup.eu
DHC+District Heating and CoolingAn international initiative dealing with research and innovation for district heating, district cooling and kindred technologies.dhcplus.eu
EuroHeat & PowerDistrict Heating and CoolingThe European international association of district heating and cooling.euroheat.org
IDEADistrict Heating and CoolingThe American international association of district energy.districtenergy.org


NameFocusDescriptionSource & Link
FjärrsynDHC R&DSwedish multi disciplinary research, development and innovation programsvenskfjarrvarme.se
4DH Research CentreLow temperature District Heating and Coolinga unique Danish collaboration to investigate the potential for and develop 4th Generation District Heating (4GDH)4dh.dk