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District Heating and Cooling

2019-2024 / Annex TS5

The Research / IEA DHC Annexes / 2019-2024 / Annex TS5

Annex TS5: Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into existing District Heating and Cooling Systems

with focus on large-scale solar thermal, large heat pumps, renewable P2H-systems, geothermal, biomass and large heat storages in combination with CHP and surplus heat.



IEA DHC Annex TS5 is an international cooperation project focussing on the integration of Renewable Energy Sources into existing District Heating and Cooling systems (RES DHC) with focus on large-scale solar thermal, central heat pumps, renewable P2H-systems, biomass, geothermal and large heat stores in combination with CHP and surplus heat.

The overall aim of this cooperation is to address R&D challenges related to this topic, in order to establish renewable heat sources as environmentally friendly and emission-free heat generation technologies for the DHC sector.
The specific objectives of the task-shared annex are:

  • Gain knowledge about and develop enhanced solutions for the technical and operational integration of RES plants into existing traditional and modern DHC systems
  • Provide practical know-how on RES DHC project development, technical solutions and business cases to the DHC market actors
  • Develop and show-case innovative demo cases driven by DHC market actors and in cooperation with RES market actors (for both, technical and organizational solutions)
  • Develop advanced instruments addressing non-technical market barriers and opportunities

The project lifetime is January 2021 to December 2024. In this period regular meetings are held for advancing with the Annex TS5 work plan.

TS5 task manager

Please contact the Annex TS5 task manager if you want to join the task-shared Annex or have any other questions concerning Annex TS5. Thank you.

Thomas Pauschinger & Dr. Heiko Huther
AGFW - The German Energy Efficiency Association for Heating, Cooling and CHP
t.pauschinger@agfw.de & h.huther@agfw.de