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District Heating and Cooling

Annex XI Project 04

The Research / IEA DHC Annexes / 2014-2017 / Annex XI / Annex XI Project 04

Structured for success: Governance models and strategic decision making processes for deploying thermal grids

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Lead Country: USA

With an emphasis on increasing efficiency and clean energy production, it’s no surprise many communities around the world are focusing on district energy and
combined heat and power (CHP) systems as a means to achieve targets related to emissions, sustainability, and increasing resilience. With strategic planning and
foresight, these systems can be leveraged to provide significant gains in energy efficiency, effectively capturing both thermal and electricity production from a single
fuel source.

While district energy system development may face a number of challenges related to financing, and perhaps less frequently technology, the primary barrier related
to system deployment and implementation remains complexity around identifying appropriate governance models to align with project objectives.

This project aims at reviewing a range of innovative governance models and strategic decision making processes proven to develop successful, financially viable district energy systems. It will provide comprehensive analysis of existing policies, studies, regulations, technical and market barriers with the potential to impact the
governance model and development of district energy in selected case study jurisdictions.  The study will include urban and rural district energy case studies from
the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Denmark and So. Korea. Findings will be synthesized to produce a Governance Guidance Report with global application
for strategic decision makers in local communities and municipalities to assist them in charting a pathway to the most appropriate model for their needs and

Project contact:

Laxmi J Rao

International District Energy Association

Headquaters Adress:
24 Lyman Street, Suite 230,
Westborough MA,
USA, 01581

Phone: +1-508-366-9339

Email: laxmi.idea@districtenergy.org