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District Heating and Cooling

Annex XI Project 03

The Research / IEA DHC Annexes / 2014-2017 / Annex XI / Annex XI Project 03

Smart use as the missing link in district energy development: a user-centred approach to system operation and management

Activity organizer developed in this project

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Lead Country: Sweden

This project aims to develop an intuitive, smart and predictive home energy management interface. By being visually attractive, intuitive and interactive it increases the residents’ understanding of smart energy systems and how they can use energy more efficiently. The target audience for this research are primarily district energy end users, producers of home energy management systems and district energy suppliers.

It has already been shown that the way people interact with district heating systems can have a great influence on energy consumption. Even though there are only a few studies on how people actually interact with district heating systems it is quite clear that most of the controls are difficult to both understand and use.

The newly developed interface is aimed to help end users of district energy  to become more aware of the benefits of district energy, i.e. its environmental benefits, its resource and cost efficiency and its convenience.

Project contact:

Helene Pilström

Visiting address:
Chalmers Teknikpark
418 88 Göteborg

Phone: +46 (0) 706 15 45 75

Email:  helene@boid.se