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District Heating and Cooling

IEA DHC Project Overview

The Research / IEA DHC Project Overview

IEA DHC Project Overview

This is an overview of IEA DHC projects sorted by topic.

Most project pages contain links to downloads such as summaries, final reports and presentations.

Projects with future dates are in progress.

You can use your browsers search function (Ctrl + F / Cmd + F) to quickly find keywords in the project titles.

Benefits, Analysis and Evaluation of DHC

  1. Can a sustainable district heating business model be decisive for future competitiveness?, 2027
  2. NUON - Cost benefits and long term behaviour of new all plastic piping system, 2007
  3. A Comparison of distributed CHP/DH with large-scale CHP/DH, 2005
  4. Fatigue Analysis of District Heating Systems, 1999
  5. District Heating and Cooling in Future Buildings, 1999
  6. Temperature Variations in Preinsulated DH Pipes Low Cycle Fatigue, 1996
  7. Quantitive heat loss determined by means of infrared themography - The TX model, 1996
  8. Quantitative Heat Loss Analysis of Heat and Coolant Distribution Pipes by Means of Thermography, 1993
  9. The environmental benefits of District Heating and Cooling, 1992
  10. DETECT - Consequence model for assessing the environmental benefits of district heating and cooling in a well defined area, 1992


  1. HUT - Improved Cogeneration and Heat Utilization in DH Networks, 2008
  2. District Cooling, Balancing the Production and Demand in CHP, 1999
  3. Integrating district cooling with combined heat and power, 1996

District cooling

  1. Sustainable District Cooling Guidelines, 2019
  2. IDEA - Assessing the Actual Energy Efficiency of Building Scale Cooling Systems, 2008
  3. Absorption Refrigeration with Thermal (ice) Storage, 2002
  4. The design and operation of Ice-slurry based District Cooling Systems, 1993

Energy saving buildings and DH

  1. Cost Benefit study on the building secondary network for improving DH performance, 2023
  2. District Heating for Energy Efficient Building Areas, 2011
  3. Interaction Between District Energy and Future Buildings that have Storage and Intermittent Surplus Energy, 2011
  4. District Heating Distribution in Areas with Low Heat Demand Density, 2008
  5. Efficient substations and installations, 1996
  6. CHESS, Consumer Heating System Simulation, 1992

Guidebooks, Tools and Guidelines for DHC

  1. FAST DHC (Feasibility Assessment Tool for District Heating and Cooling), 2027
  2. The district heating business model 2050, 2023
  3. Plan4DE: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption by optimizing urban form for district energy, 2017
  4. Development of an Universal Calculation Model and Calculation Tool for Primary Energy Factors and CO2 Equivalents in District Heating and Cooling including CHP, 2014
  5. Two-step decision and optimisation model for centralised or decentralised thermal storage in DH&C systems, 2005
  6. District Heating and Cooling Building Handbook, 2002
  7. Plastic Pipe Systems for DH, Handbook for Safe and Economic Application, 1999
  8. Guideline to planning and building of district heating networks, 1996
  9. Promotion Manual for District Energy Systems, 1993

Industry and DHC

  1. HY2HEAT – Using electrolysis waste heat in district heating networks, 2027
  2. Industry-DHC Symbiosis, 2025

Low temperature DH

  1. InteGradeDH – Large-scale integration of low-grade sources into district heating networks through geothermal seasonal storage and heat pumps, 2027
  2. Leave 2nd generation behind: cost effective solutions for small-to-large scale DH networks, 2023
  3. Optimized transition towards low-temperature and low-carbon DH systems (OPTiTRANS), 2023
  4. CASCADE: A comprehensive toolbox for integrating low-temperature sub-networks in existing district heating networks, 2022
  5. Annex TS2: Implementation of Low Temperature District Heating Systems, 2021
  6. Low Temperature District Heating for Future Energy Systems, 2017
  7. Transformation roadmap from high to low temperature district heating system, 2017
  8. Optimisation of Cool Thermal Storage and Distribution, 2002
  9. Optimisation of a DH System by Maximising Building System Temperatures Differences, 2002
  10. Optimisation of Operating Temperatures and an Appraisal of the Benefits of Low Temperature District Heating, 1999

Metastudies on DHC

  1. Research Projects Summary, 1998
  2. Summary of Research Activities 1993-1996, 1997
  3. A review of European and North American water treatment practices, 1996
  4. Summary of Research Activities 1990-1993, 1993
  5. R&D Project Review, 1992

Network Operation of DHC Nets

  1. Flexibility and DH value chain (FlexVal) – advanced analysis & compatible pricing, 2027
  2. Annex TS4: Digitalisation of District Heating and Cooling, 2025
  3. Annex TS3: Hybrid Energy Networks, 2023
  4. Artificial Intelligence for Forecasting of Heat Production and Heat demand and Fault Detection in District Heating Networks, 2023
  5. Smart use as the missing link in district energy development, 2017
  6. Strategies to manage heat losses - Technique and Economy, 2005
  7. Improvement of operational temperature differences in district heating systems, 2005
  8. Biofouling and Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in District Heating Networks, 2005
  9. Dynamic Heat Storage Optimisation and Demand Side Management, 2005
  10. Optimisation of District Heating Systems Using Remote Heat Meter Communication and Control, 2002
  11. District Heating Network Operation, 2002
  12. Simple Models for Operational Optimisation, 2002
  13. Managing a hydraulic system in district heating, 1999

Network technology of DHC nets

  1. Life-time prediction of DHC pipes, 2025
  2. Effects of Loads on Asset Management of the 4th Generation District Heating Networks, 2020
  3. Improved maintenance strategies for district heating pipelines, 2014
  4. Chalmers - New materials and constructions for improving the quality and lifetime of district heating pipes including joints – thermal, mechanical and environmental performance, 2008
  5. How cellular gases influence insulation properties of district heating pipes and the competitiveness of district energy, 2005
  6. Pipe Laying in Combination with Horizontal Drilling Methods, 2002
  7. Cold Installation of Rigid District Heating Pipes, 1999
  8. New ways of installing District Heating Pipes, 1999
  9. Reuse of Excavated Materials, 1999
  10. Bend Pipes, 1996
  11. Execution of connections to pipelines in operation, 1996
  12. Advanced Energy Transmission Fluids Final Report of Research, ANNEX IV
  13. Advanced Energy Transmission Fluids Final Report of Research, ANNEX III, 1993
  14. CFC-Free Plastic Jacket pipes, 1992
  15. District Heating Piping with plastic-medium pipes, status of the development and laying costs, 1992
  16. Bends for Plastic Jacket Pipe Systems, able to withstand high transvers loadings, 1992

Policy and DHC

  1. Financial frameworks’ impact on district heating, 2027
  2. District heating scheme for carbon neutrality in Asia, 2023
  3. Stepwise transition strategy and impact assessment for future district heating systems, 2020
  4. Structured for success: Governance models and strategic decision making processes for deploying thermal grids, 2017
  5. Policies and barriers for District Heating and Cooling outside EU countries, 2011
  6. Promotion and Recognition of DHC/CHP benefits in Greenhouse Gas Policy and Trading Programs, 2002

Potential assessment

  1. MEMPHIS 2.0: Advanced algorithm for spatial identification, evaluation of temporary availability and economic assessment of waste heat sources and their local representation, 2023
  2. MEMPHIS - Methodology to evaluate and map the potential of waste heat from industry, service sector and sewage water by using internationally available open data, 2020
  3. Towards Fourth Generation District Heating: Experiences with and Potential of Low Temperature District Heating, 2014
  4. The Potential for Increased Primary Energy Efficiency and Reduced CO2 Emissions by DHC, 2011

Renewable energy and DH

  1. RE-PEAK – How to cover peak heat loads in DH networks with renewables?, 2027
  2. Annex TS5: Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into existing District Heating and Cooling Systems, 2024
  3. Integrated Cost-effective Large-scale Thermal Energy Storage for Smart District Heating and Cooling, 2020
  4. Economic and Design Optimization in Integrating Renewable Energy and Waste Heat with District Energy Systems, 2014
  5. Distributed Solar Systems Interfaced To A District Heating System That Has Seasonal Storage, 2011