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District Heating and Cooling

Annex V Project 05

The Research / IEA DHC Annexes / 1996-1999 / Annex V / Annex V Project 05

DH&C in future buildings

Project Downloads

Description of the Project

For the future development of District Heating (DH) and District Cooling (DC) the development of the heating and cooling consumption is assumed to be an important factor for the economic feasibility of these technologies.

On this background the IEA-District Heating and Cooling Project has given priority to a research project called District Heating and Cooling in Future Buildings. The main goal of the project was to get a picture of the expected development of the heating and the cooling consumption in the future building stock compared to the building stock of today. A simulation tool has been used to calculate the heating and cooling loads and the energy consumption in a "typical" office building and a "typical" residential building from 1990, and comparisons are made with the same expected "typical" buildings in 2005+.

Downloadable Documents

DH&C in future buildings [Summary Report - PDF - 3-pages, 46Kb]

Introduction [PDF - 7-pages, 225 Kb]

Part 1 [PDF - 12-pages, 571 Kb]

Part 2 [PDF - 3-pages, 123 Kb]

Part 3 [PDF - 29-pages, 670 Kb]

Part 4 [PDF - 10-pages, 230 Kb]


SINTEF Energy Research (Norway)



Korean District Heating Corporation (Korea),
VTT Building Technology (Finland),
UMSICHT (Germany)