Ageing of DH pipes
The overall objective: Ageing and crucial ageing mechanism specially for each material in pipe construction and generally for status assessment and life-time prediction of DH-pipe.
Work iteams are:
B.1: Pre-insulated DH pipe
B.2: Concrete and metal pipe
B.3: Alternative material for each component in DH pipe
B.4: Effects of ageing tests on status assessment for each kind of DH-pipe material
B.5: Relevance of ageing tests on the other subtask
B.6: Effect of new energy sources on ageing of DH-pipe
Subtask Leader
Please contact the Subtask Leaders if you want to join the Subtask B or have any other questions concerning Subtask B. Thank you.
Nazdaneh Yarahmadi, Ph. D.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Dr. Andreas Leuteritz
Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.