Lifetime prediction
The overall objective:Prediction of service life of a district heating system is a challenge due to a wide range of degradation mechanisms in polymer-based materials, metals and concrete including thermal, chemical and mechanical degradation and also combined effects. The overall goal of ST C is to elaborate appropriate mathematical models that can allow extrapolation of short-time data to predict long-term performance of DHPs.
Work iteams are:
C.1: Lifetime prediction of pre-insulated bonded DH pipes
C2: Lifetime prediction of new polymer-based media pipes and insulation materials
C.3:Lifetime prediction of metal and concrete pipes
Subtask Leader
Please contact the Subtask Leaders if you want to join the Subtask C or have any other questions concerning Subtask C. Thank you.
Ignacy Jakubowicz, Associate Professor
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
mail to:
Pakdad Pourbozorgi Langroudi
HafenCity Universität Hamburg