Future Perspectives
The overall objective: Transformation, development, optimisation, predictive maintenance, life-time prediction, ageing, influence of pipe materials on performance
Work iteams are:
E.1: Effect on future operation mode to life-time of DH-System in general
E.2: Effects of digitalisation on district heating systems
E.3: Assessment of environmental indicators to identify the best transformation path
Subtask Leader
Please contact the Subtask Leaders if you want to join the Subtask E or have any other questions concerning Subtask E. Thank you.
Dr.-Ing. Anna Marie Kallert
Fraunhofer-Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Energiesystemtechnik IEE
mail to:anna.kallert@iee.fraunhofer.de
Alberto Vega, Ph. D.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
mail to:alberto.vega@ri.se